Monday, August 2, 2010

August 2, 2010

Ok, so my address is 5514 Gristmill Rd, Richmond or chesterfield, I don't know and I don't nkow what the zip is. SOrry.    (note from mom- It is Richmond and the zip is 23234)

So my companion is Elder Andrade-Estrada. He was born in Michoacan, Mexico, but he's lived here for about 8 years. he's a stud. The only hard thing is that he didn't go to the mtc, so I'm pretty much training him from the very beginning. Absolutely no experience. He went out with the missionaries before, but it's still way different now that he's an elder. So there have been a few frustrating moments, but I just always have to remember that he didn't get any training like I did, so I'm trying to be very patient. But the area I'm in is SUPER GHETTO. Like, there's this place called "La Mancha" which means the stain, and I'm pretty sure its because of the blood in the place. It's way hardcore. Then there's just a ton of apartments LOADED with hispanics, its awesome. I'm serving in a ward, but there's a TON of less actives, like, over 3/4 of the ward. That's the whole reason they put us in here, to work with reactivation. And I'm really sorrry to do this 2 weeks in a row, but My companion's computer isn't working, so I'm going to let him use mine now. Sorry. I love you all. Have a great week. Talk to you soon.
Ok, well we worked it all out. SO, like I was saying. We got into the apartment on Thursday and it was completely empty. Not a single thing in there. But we took an extra bed from the zone leaders and some couch cushions and we set Elder Andrade up in the bed and I posted up on the couch cushions for a few nights. We have a total of 2 forks, 2 knives and 2 spoons, we didn't have plates or bowls or cups for the first few days and no lamps, but that's ok, because apparently we live in one of the few apartment complexes in virginia where they actually put lights on the celing, or in the apartment period. It's weird. SO our apartment is still completely bare and sad, but that's ok. There are a TON of hispanics here it's INSANE! Like, i'm pretty sure there are more hispanics here than there are white people!

Umm, I don't really know what else to say. Hope everything goes well for you this week!? We could really use some prayers for finding more people and getting investigators if you could spare some.
SO my trainer officially died last tuesday. He's back home and doing who knows what. Has yet to email me. What a chump.

Ok, well I love you all. Buh bye

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