Monday, August 9, 2010

Aug 9, 2010

So this week was interesting. We were told when we got here that our purpose was to work with the less actives in the ward and find new people. So we started doing that, and then the other companionships started getting mad at us because apparently they "were already working with some of the less actives" so then we had this "meeting" with the three of us and we had to set boundaries and limits on people and it was just ridiculous. then our progress record yesterday in church was nothing but less actives because we don't have investigators yet, and the High Councilman and the Bishop were worried about that, so they called the mission president and then I got a call from one of the AP's (the one I don't like) and he chewed me out for giving off the impression that I was there for something other than missionary work or something so I had to go and straighten that out with the bishop and High Councilman and it was way stupid. But it's good now. We found some sweet new people to teach last week, one of them is a really cool lady named Margarita and she told us that she wants her 4 year old son to be a missionary like us. We're way excited for her. Yeah, we're in a super ghetto area. The south side of Richmond is where all the crazy stuff goes down. Like, we live in a really nice area, but we go to the GHETTO parts. I told you about La Mancha. Dead Guatemalans turn up in there all the time. It's full of morenos and they start prowling around at about 6:30ish and they always rob the poor guatemalans. And a lot of times at night, the Guaties are drunk, so they don't understand even more and then they get jumped or something. It's way crazy. But we avoid all the bad places from about 5:45 onward. Don't worry about that. And yeah, the ward is taking care of us. We ate with a family yesterday and they just pulled a bunch of Silverware out of their drawer and gave it to us, then the mission office found a microwave and vacuum for us. I was sleeping on these little couch cushions for the first 3 nights, it was terrible! hahaha but it's way better now. The high councilman that called the mission president came over last night with a 12 piece set of un-opened steel pots and pans. Apparently an old wedding present that they never used, so he figured we could use it. I think it was also kind of a peace offering for the phone call from the AP. hahaha.

SO yeah, my companion is legit. It's frustrating at times, but I have to remember that he didn't go to the MTC like I did, so he's missing out on 9 weeks of training from the best of the best, ya know? SO I try to be really patient with him and help him when he does something wrong, try to help him not to make mistakes. It's way hard to know when to step in so he doesn't make a mistake and know when to just let it happen so that he can learn from the experience. Kind of like being a real parent, right!? haha But he's way sweet and he really loves being a missionary. He's dealing a lot with the first few weeks of home sickness, and I can tell that it was definitely revelation that we were put together because he's going through the exact same thing that I went through. Like, exactly. So I can offer him some advice on what I did and help him through it. It's a lot of pressure though! But it's really making me step up and make decisions like I hated to before!

Can I please have a mariachi at my wedding!? Please please please please! Elder Andrade and I did this street contact the other day that we had to pray afterwards. The spirit was so far gone it was terrible. We're talking to this lady on her porch and this like, 18 year old mexican girl comes outside and sits on the porch. Lets just say I never thought I'd see that much of a woman's chest outside of an adult theater. There are somethings about the hispanic culture that are still just echoes of Sodom and Gomorrah! haha

No, I haven't bought slacks or anything yet, we live really close to the house, so I'm holding off on getting any new clothes yet because I can just go and change right after church. And sorry to say, but I lost my watch. But it was also already broken. It was barely holding together, and when I finally lost it, I just bought a 12$ one at wal mart. Sorry. I was hoping that one would last me through my entire mission. But it's looking like I might actually be able to make it through this month on my MSF card. Elder Andrade Estrada and I don't eat out AT ALL!

Yeah, we're pretty close to the mission office, like, 6 miles away or something. We're there like, 3 times a week and I'm on the phone with Sis. Henrie just about everyday. I get to see Pres. Perry a lot, which is sweet. He's way awesome. The mission is going to have a lot of success under him. His spirit is way great but it's completely different than Pres. Millburn's, which I think is funny.

Well anyway, I love you all and I can't believe I'm about to hit 14 months. General Conference is right around the corner! have a good week!

Elder Campbell

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