Wednesday, July 28, 2010

July 12

Yes, the cards were perfect. I'm just about to finish up my last set of ones from the MTC, so I'll be breaking into them soon :)

So sounds like everyone has been real busy lately! That's real good to hear. I'm not the only one! SOrry to hear about the babies, that doesn't seem like any fun. So I don't even know who this sister chapman is, but she was there as long as I was in the beach! That's good. I miss the beach a ton. I would go back in an instant. I like henrico here, but when I've spent a quarter of my mission in the beach and that's where I've had all my baptisms, i just really miss it. But it's ok. So today my old ZL is back in town visiting and we're going out to lunch with him. His name is now Jordan Bishop, that's going to be real weird. He's been going all around virginia visiting his places for like a week now, so he's stopping off here today. It's going to be weird to see him. Elder Nelson and I have a bet about what he's going to be wearing. I say khaki shorts, flip flops and a hollister t-shirt. It's pretty much a guarantee.

So yesterday we ended up teaching gospel principles and it was on the sacrament. It went SO good. Elder Nelson and I split it up and it went GREAT! The spirit was SO strong and people were crying and everyone's eyes were just GLUED to us, it was awesome. Then I translated sacrament meeting into english for a few white people that were there. We also went to a farewell on Saturday for elder Otto Leon. Yeah, he's gong to be Elder Lion. Isn't that sweet? He's gonig to Charlotte, NC because of the "questionable immigration" thing. But we tried to visit them yesterday and his mom just sent us home with a giant bag fulll of food it was great. She says "come visit me more often, I've always got food just sitting here for you in the refrigerator" so we might take her up on that offer.

So last night we all did a slumber party in the english elder's room. I tried to do a somersault bounce transfer flip onto Elder Gomez's bed, but just ended up landing on Elder Nelson's stomach. It was awesome.

That trip doesn't sound like a lot of fun. To Logan I mean. Don't worry though, when I get married, it'll probably be in the bogota, Colombia temple. HAHAHAHAHAHA is there even a temple down there? I need to start making plans now! I've only got 11 months left! Can you believe that? Elder Nelson has 3. It's weird. He's way trunky, but acts like he's not. It's funny.

Anyway, hope everyone has a wonderful week. Love you all, best of wishes, lovey dovey stuff, talk to you next week.

Elder Campbell

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