Wednesday, August 18, 2010

16 Aug 2010

So this week was sweet! We've done a ton of finding and we've found some really sweeet people. We had I think the best zone conference of my mission on Saturday. The First Presidency and the Twelve are making this huge push to change how we teach people, and its AWESOME! They haven't really 'changed' anything, but they're focusing on some principles of PMG that really change everything when we teach. The big focus now is on making 'inspired questions' and then listening to diagnose needs. Pres. Perry related it to a medic. If someone's sick, you don't just start tossing medicine at them. You do some tests, you find the wound and you apply the appropriate medicine. Its like in the gospel, you find the need, and apply the appropriate part of the gospel to fix it. And they're also focusing on teaching "PURE DOCTRINE" instead of teching the application and hoping that it works. They've also made a bunch of changes to how we work. LIke before, baptismal candidates had to live word of wisdom and law of chastity for 2 weeks prior to getting baptized, but now, we as the missionaries have to feel that they have committed to live these and keep them after baptism. We also simplified the way we do numbers and pres. perry said that "PMG and the scriptures are everything that we need. Everything else is fluff, so we're cutting it out." He also said that we can now have I-Pod's in the mission as long as they have Gen. Conference talks, appropriate music and what not. So maybe you could load my MP3 player with some general conference sessions and some Motab and hymns and send it to me? That would be sweet. Like, as many as you can. But no rush.

So the weather has kind of cooled down, it's been really cloudy lately, so not QUITE as hot, but still freaking hot! We're finally getting to know the area, so that's nice. Umm, what else? OH, all my recent converts are still doing good! Grizselda, the one that moved back to New Mexico, well she's trying to convert her sister. She reads the book of mormon to her grandma and her sister and they both love it. It's awesome! Also, Teo, my first baptism, he had a bad accident at work on Friday. Some guy above him in the building frame was cutting with a circular saw and the saw dug in and fell on Teo, but hit him on his left arm. It cut straight through the bone and all the muscle and tendon and everything, almost took his arm straight off. But he's doing better now, still in the hospital and drugged up, but he's doing good. SO maybe some prayers for him!?
List of things I need- A new bible. I gave mine to a recent convert in Henrico. Medium-hard cover would be best. Umm, maybe some vitamins? And that's it. :) Thank you!

Well, I hope you have a great week, love you all.

Elder Campbell

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