Tuesday, February 1, 2011

31 Jan 2011

Soo.  Testimony on chastity.  Well, I was studying through DC 76 the other day, and it starts talking about those that will get into the celestial kingdom right?  It says that they will be those who entered into and stayed faithful to the new and everlasting covenant (marriage).  And then all of a sudden it popped into my head.  When people don't live the law of chastity, they just end up shacking up with each other and fornicating.  That is a sacred power that is only supposed to be shared between married people.  ANd so by doing that, a lot of people will live together and do that stuff but never get married.  And THAT'S the problem.  THe lack of marriage.  God want's us to be able to return to him, and marriage is a requirement.  But if we're just taking the benefits of marriage without actual marriage, we can't get back to Him.  So by giving us the law of chastity, it's protecting us and helping us return to Him in the celestial kingdom.  Pretty cool, right?
  So yeah, thats my testimony of the law of chastity.  Anywho.
   So I was in Richmond all last week at leadership training.  It blew my MIND!  IT was the coolest 4 days I've ever had on my mission.  I learned SOOOOOO much.  It was so cool to just get personal training by Pres. Perry and be able to practice it all.  We did a lot of roleplays and we had this really cool training on listening by a professional communication expert.  Like, she goes into businesses and trains the employees how to listen and communicate, and then she'll go to the business mergers and help everyone communicate so that they can make a good deal.  It was SICK.  I'm an expert listener now.  I'm so excited on missionary work now.  It's way awesome.  Also, the lady Maria that I was always telling you about when I was in Chesterfield, well we visited her on Thursday and I got to set her for baptism again and she's DETERMINED to get baptized.  And she wants me to come down and do the confirmation.  It was so cool.  I accidentally gave her my personal study book of mormon that was all marked up and had all my notes and stuff in it.  I was way sad.  
  In other news, actually, that's about it.  Not too much to tell you.  Missionary work is great, but Charlottesville is really really really tough.  Like, I think this is the hardest area I've ever worked in my mission.  I need some advice.  If you only had 3 areas that were loaded with hispanics and others were interspersed throughout the city, what would you do to find them but also not get burned out from going to the same 3 places every single day?  I feel like I'm getting sooooo burned out because we don't have many investigators and we have to always go to the exact same places to find people and it's super discouraging.  So what should I do?  Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.
  So yeah, I'm turning 21 on Wednesday, and Elder Taylor in my district turns 21 tomorrow.   It's pretty cool.  Elder Wiles said he's taking me out to lunch on Wednesday.  Should be pretty fun.  I can't believe I'm actually going to be 21.  I guess it's a good thing that I'm out here as a missionary, otherwise I'd probably do something STUPID on my birthday :)  hahah

  Well, I love you all very much.
      Elder Campbell

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