Thursday, September 16, 2010

7 Sept 2010

Wow, the girls sure do look different! All 4 of em! That's great though.

So, this week. well, let me just put it into perspective for you. This lady maria's husband was getting taught by the missionaries over a year ago. He didn't get baptized and he was way lazy and would steal Maria's money and leave her for days at a time, so she finally kicked him out. Well her friend is a less active named Hna. Pico. Hna. Pico has been praying for like, 2 years that Maria could get taught by the missionaries and baptized. Well last tuesday, wouldn't you know it that we're walking through this trailer park, and we meet maria. We teach her a little bit on her front porch and she loved it. We said a prayer and she started crying. So we set up a return appointment for Friday and on Friday, we stop by and this Hna. Pico is there, and it was the first time we met Hna. Pico. So we go inside and sit down and start teaching Maria and she absolutely LOVES it. She's talking about how she read 1 Nefi 8 and how it was way cool, but she didn't understand it completely. So we start talking about the plan of salvation and how it applies, and then we go "Maria, will you get baptized on October 9th?" and she goes "Yeah, I think so." So we went over again last night and she was like "Ever since you came by the first day, I haven't gotten sad. Everything has been better. Everything in life is going good." And she's way excited to learn more. We're going over tonight to teach the restoration, and I'm WAY excited. She's just SO prepared, it's amazing. I just hope she can get work off on sunday's because she works in housekeeping in a hotel, and they always have to work sundays :( So maybe some extra prayers could definitely help?

And then last wednesday, this one lady cancelled on us, so we're driving away and on the highway we see this car stalled down. So we stop and run out into the middle of the road and start pushing the car, and I look in the rear view mirror and see this one less active hermana. So we push her into the gas station and she jumps out of the car and runs over to give me a hug and then just goes "Elders, you're my angels!" So then the next night she had a lesson with the other elders and one of her friends in her house, and she started bearing her testimony and the other elder said it was the most powerful testimony he's ever heard in a less active. She was like "I haen't been to church in 10 years, and I know I haven't been a faithful member. But Eva, this is something I want for you. To have the happiness that I have now. I'm coming back to church, and I'm never leaving again." It was WAY solid! Things are going really well here.

The only bad news we received was on Thursday. They're killing our zone. There will no longer be a Pembroke zone made up of only spanish elders. They're disbanding us and putting us in the english zones in where we work. It's way depressing. Our mission president said "We're graduating the spanish elders." And then with transfers, Elder Wheatley, who was just called as zone leader 2 transfers ago, got exiled into zebra in Nags Head, North Carolina. He's way depressed. He's going to be donig a ton of english work. It's way sad. So I may never see him again in the mission. Elder Schults, the other zone leader, is training.

But yesterday we got to go to a baseball game! The Richmond Flying Squirrels. They're the affiliate team of the San Fran Giants. It was way cool. One of the Mission Presidency counselors didn't like that we were there, but we had permission from the APs, so. Whatev.

Umm, what else? Oh, we got this one less active back to church, and we're going to baptize his girlfriend. SHe had a baptismal date like, 8 months ago, but stopped coming to church because of the baby or something, but they came on sunday, so that was way cool. Also, my companion accidentally called their baby retarded. That was a mistake. hahaha, but she is WAY fat. LIke, she's freaking HUGE!

Haven't gotten the garments yet, but yeah the bible is SWEET and the new BOM is awesome. Thank you very much. I swear that should be the end of the requests for a little bit. Except maybe if you could throw in some mini cassettes for a voice recorder when you send me the next package. I record my journal now, but I can never ever find cassettes to buy. But thank you in advance.

Elder Andrade is doing good. He's still really impatient with the mail system here, but he's getting like, 2 letters a week. He's still in the whole shock phase about suddenly leaving everything, so I hear a lot of complaints about that, but he's doing relaly well. He's a stud and he teaches like he's been here for like, 6 months already. Just needs some refining and he'll be PERFECT! :)

Well, love you all. Hope everything is going great. Eat your vegetables. Be safe. Talk to you in like, 3 months! hahaha

Elder Campbell

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