Monday, October 11, 2010

11 Oct 2010

So yes, I got all the boxes, my triple and bible, the candies, I heard about John, I accidentally lost the absentee ballot request, I think that was everything.

Yes, I'm still working my tail off. The missionary next to me goes home next Tuesday and he has like, 9 emails in his inbox that say "8 days, 11.36 hours!!!!!!!!!!!" or something like that. Then the lady next to me is watching a youtube video on training cockatiels to talk. Oh the things that you see at the library. Soooo, in other newssss.....

Transfers are coming up next week and I have absolutely NO idea what's going on. It's crazy. I think my companion is going and I have no idea who I'm going to get, they have to move a lot of people, because 4 spanish elders are going home, and then 2 more have been in their areas for 9 months, so that's 6 that have to get moved, and we're only getting 2 more elders. So it's gonna be INSANE! But in good news, we had a ton of investigator lessons last week. Ok, it was really only like, 9, but that's up a lot more from what it was the last week. And most of them wanted return appointments. I've been learning a ton lately and I had my interview with Pres. Perry on Saturday and it was awesome, so I think things are looking up here, they should be getting better at least. We haven't been knocking as many doors, which is good, and we've been teaching more lessons. So now we just need to keep stepping it up. I think the weight gain has just about leveled off. I'm at like, 217, which isn't too bad, considering that this other spanish elder has gained 48 pounds n his mission. It's ridiculous. As long as I dont' hit that much, I'll be alright.

So this one guy yesterday starts telling us- "I cant do an appointment tomorrow because I have a doctors appointment tomorrow. I've got this skin tag on my testicles and they've gotta see what they can do for me. I had one on my toe, so I cut it off and it started bleeding EVERYWHERE! I mean everywhere. And it hurt like a mother! So they don't want to take this one off because it's in a bad location." Don't you just love how open hispanics are?

Umm, so do you all remember that one conference when we just started watching family videos from like, 17 years ago? So the other day we were teaching this less active lesson to a lady we just found who's brother died the week before, and I started talking about that day and the happiness it brought me and how much I remember that, and then I started talking about the atonement, and I honestly don't think I've ever been able to look into someone's eyes like that and see the Spirit working so hard on them. The spirit just filled the whole room and I started crying and she was crying and it was incredible and the feeling was just indescribable.

Well, I think that's it for this week. I'm going to get that card of pictures sent off today, I promise. I've got a ton to get to you. So.

Anyway, Love you all. Hope you have a great week. D&C 61:33 I think. Something along the lines of "I the Lord have not abandoned you and am aways with you." Or something like that. It's way cool.

Elder Campbell

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