Monday, November 15, 2010

15 November 2010

No way!? Kristen C on a mission!? That's awesome! Missions are the BEST! Yeah, Sister Henrie called me to tell me about the connection story! haha how weird is that!? Sis. Henrie also told me that she wanted to show me the picture of the new Hermana missionary coming in, Hna. Sinclair, because I quote "She's absolutely gorgeous! Hey, who knows, maybe you'll meet a sister here and end up getting married!" hahahahaha I was like "Woahhhhhhhhhh..."

BTW, which Hna. were you saying is the cute one, because I don't think I had any pictures of Hna. Law on there. Tell me what picture it was and what they were wearing and I'll be able to tell you who it is.

Sounds like a party in the house! Just like my apartment! Its way fun over there. Elder Graham is a crack up, and me and Elder Bigler just have the weirdest conversations. It's great.

So, thsi week. What's new. Umm, We found these 2 sweet families that we're going to set for baptism. That's exciting. Gilberto moved back to connecticuit, but the missionaries are going to head over there and baptize him. Too bad we couldn't do it here, but The Lord has his plan in everything!

Pres. Perry is going to be training us on planning and what not, so our planning is going to be a lot better. He talked about how missionaries here just always put a "1" as the goal if they don't have anything set up, like "1 investigator baptized and confirmed", and they say it's as an act of faith, but Pres. Perry was like "if you don't have something set up, and you put 1, you're just setting yourself up for failure." So they way he's going to have us planning is giong to change the way we work. Like, they always say that goals should be meaningful, but because of how we've been planning and whatnot, they're just a number to me and I have'nt cared if I reach them or not. SO it'll be interesting. Umm, I don't need any more garments. I'm good with the ones I have. Just the scarf. And no, I don't have the tree. I had to leave it down in VA Beach when I got transferred, but I can ask Elder ZObrist to bring it up tomorrow when they come for leadership training. Also, We're getting texting on our phones. Weird, right? Hahaha

Anyway, Love you all and Hope you have a great week. My english is horrible now. I'm speaking like a mexican who just came from Tijuana. It's way bad.

Elder Campbell

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