Thursday, September 16, 2010

13 Sept 2010

Well hello everyone. What a week here in Richmond. Sounds like things are going pretty well over on your side of the country. Well, it seems like the scriptures are always right. The Lord has his own timetable for blessings, we just have to trust in him to see them fulfilled. Congrats on the baby(plural or what?). I hope Juliann is having a blast student teaching, I have a blast ?teaching? kids on the streets. We always play soccer or ride bikes or scooters with them. It's way sweet. We're like best friends with this gang of kids in this super ghetto part of the city, they're like, 7 years old and we're planning on baptizing all of them. hahaha Tell Michael I say congrats on the test. That's way impressive. Way cool.

So yes, I got all the scriptures. They're awesome. Thank you so much. We also just got a couch on Friday. It's wayyyyy sweet. My bishop is the best. So we didnt' have a ton of like, successes this week, but it definitely wasn't a b ad week. Yesterday I had this way cool experience. We had an appointment fall through, so I told my comp that I felt we needed to go knock in the back of this apartment complex, and he goes "We always knock there, we never knock up here." I just go "I feel like that's where we need to go." SO we start walking and we started contacting on the way and as we're walking past this building, I just got this WAY QUICK thought to go knock the doors. I almost said "No, we need to keep going" but decided to go do it. So we knock the doors and nobody answers, so we move upstairs, and as soon as we go up the stairs, this guy walks out and I saw him and just got this HUGE impression "Talk to him." So we did and he's way stoked. The missionaries visited him back in Honduras like, 7 years ago and he loved it, but he hasn't talked to them since then. So we're way excited with him. Then we found this way cool family who we invited to be baptized in the 1st lesson and they were like "we'll have to think about it, but keep visiting us and we'll see how we feel." So things are going pretty good. We had a sleepover at the other elder's apartment last night and we were up all night telling scary stories adn the rest of the elders were all freaking out and couldn't sleep, and then Elder Schults goes to check the door and it was open, so he started FREAKING OUT thinking "Oh man, the spirit told me to go check the door, that means that something bad is going to happen!" it was hilarious. Umm, what else is there. WE've got mission conference tomorrow. First one not as a spanish zone. We're all still going to sit together thought. Paul Sybrowski is coming to talk to us, it should be WAY sweet.

Umm, well I dont really think there's much more to tell this week. Thank you for the garmetns, I'll let you know when they get here. You're all the best. I love you very much and I hope everything is going wonderfully for you. Trust in the Lord and he'll take care of you. Joshua 1:9 has become one of my favorites. Thanks for being the best family I could have asked for.


Elder Campbell

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